2023 Blacksteel State of the Union Address

Greetings, salutations, and Happy New Year!

The Blacksteel Team took some much needed time off for the holidays, to rest, recoup, and spend time with our families. All of us work full time outside of our creative work, so taking time to restore our personal and creative energies is super important. We are back now and plan to resume our regularly posting schedule every Sunday!

To kick things off in 2023 we want to start with some UPDATES!

  • A Songbird’s Tale is now on it’s 4th draft. (It’s not uncommon for books to go through a minimum of five to nine drafts before it’s ready for publication. I’m getting every closer to completion.

  • Cover Art for A Songbird’s Tale is underway!!! Here is a sneak-peak at some of the preliminary sketches from artist Felix Ortiz. Two possible cover options.

  • Dustin’s manuscript for his first book regarding Cas the Mercenary is essentially complete. Now we can move on to other parts of the publication process like pre-press and cover art. One step closer to bringing the world of Galhadria to life!

  • Dustin has also started work on a one-off story which follows two Interrogers from Tigraen. This is off to a promising start and I’m very excited to see how things turn out for our Interroger heroes.

  • Phil has started work on book one of the Neversleep Scrolls. I got to read the first couple chapters and it is going to be awesome. I can’t wait to read the finished manuscript.

That about sums up the state of things here at Blacksteel Press. We’ve been working hard to get some great stories into your hot little hands. We anticipate being able to publish two books in 2023, provided everything lines up the way it should. Stay tuned for more updates.

Till next time, dear reader! <3 Tiff


Setting Goals


Holiday Hiatus