2024 Blacksteel State of the Union Address

Hello Dear Reader! Welcome and Happy New Year!

It’s so wonderful to see you all! Thank you for joining me for our per annum state of the union address. I’m so happy you’re here because I’ve got a lot to share with you all.

I want to take a moment to re-cap everything we accomplished in 2023. It was a big year for us!

  • We published Tiffani’s debut fantasy novel A Songbird’s Tale.

  • We published Dustin’s debut fantasy novel Dueling Wizards.

  • Phil launched the podcast version of his debut fantasy novel Circle of the Mind Thief.

  • Blacksteel Press became an official business.

  • We sponsored our first publication project… an adventure guide for one of the major locations in Galhadria!

  • Tiffani went to her very first convention ever and met some other authors and had a grand time.

We have a lot on the docket for 2024! Here are some of our goals for 2024.

  • Tiffani has embarked on her her new series, which takes place in Galhadria, and plans to have the first draft done by mid year.

  • Tiffani is finalizing plans for production of the audio book of A Songbird’s Tale.

  • Dustin will continue work on the second book in his Sellsword Saga, following the story of Cas the Mercenary. (Also in Galhadria)

  • Phil’s debut novel will be published and available to read in ebook and physical formats.

  • Our very first adventure guide should be available sometime 1st or 2nd quarter of 2024. It is set in Vigabrock, the wild and savage country north of Aruthien.

  • We plan to sponsor our second publication project, another adventure guide for Galhadria.

  • Gaming convention attendance and networking!


Bravery sucks


Christmas Break 2023