Kingdom of Sarmatti

Sarmatti is a great realm on the east coast of Galhadria, composed of a confederation of independent states who from time to time elect a monarch to defend all the member states. Over the centuries the Sarmattian culture has developed close ties with Lyn-Tyrian powers of all types. Their powerful allies, rich countryside, and numerous merchant ships have brought them great wealth and prosperity. Sarmattians believe they have the brightest of futures, if only they can promote their virtues among their own folk and abroad.

The Sarmattians believe they are on the side of the angels - and in some cases that is literally true. While they look upon their prosperity and good fortune as evidence that they are aligned with the great and the good, there is (as there is everywhere) a seamy underside to Sarmatti. Despite the wealth and power of the kingdom, the rule of the Monarchs often collapses absent a crisis. They are a noble and honorable people who believe they are doing what’s right - let us all hope their wealth and success allows them to remain so.


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