About Armor

I hear the clamor of the masses and I am not unmoved.  For today’s missive, we will discuss armor.  Please hold your applause till the end.

What about armor?  Most of us never wear any, but lots of stories write characters who swan around clad in all manner of outlandish personal protective gear.  A lot of the Blacksteel Star Chamber like antiquated armor and weapons and spend time wearing them around.  So allow us to share our collective wisdom.

Armor in Galhadria can be divided into four main categories - light, medium, heavy, and exotic.  Let’s start backwards and talk about exotic armor.

This is the kind of wacky stuff that never existed in our world but sounds really cool in concept.  Armor crafted from exotic, otherworldly materials like dragon-scale, magically hardened ice, or the Pileusian Empire’s complete 15010 AS tax code can provide amazing protection.  Realistically, these items would probably be considered artifacts (in our magical item scale) and would be rare and attention getting gear.  While they might be amazingly powerful and tough, they’re also going to be arrow magnets - unless your amazing black giantbone armor is glamored to look like something else, everybody is going to know you’re wearing special kit.  Much like any other artifact, this level of gear would probably be worn by a major heroine or paladin; perhaps a reigning monarch going into battle.  These things are cool and do exist in the world, but they’re not at all common.

There are loads of cool ideas for these kinds of armors, and they make great eye-catching artwork.  Very fun stuff.

This got out of hand and will have to be divided into sections - be on the lookout for later parts!


Heavy Armor


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