An intro to Interrogers

We haven’t written much about the Interrogers in our blog to date. Today I’d like to introduce you to them.

Interrogers are completely unique to Tigraen. The pronounciation may vary based on where you are in Galhadria, but would include [in-ter-uh-ger] or [in-ter-o-jher]. These are the equivalent of what we would consider secret police, and are in some ways comparable to the Spanish Inquisition. states of the Spanish Inquisition “The Inquisition was characterized by secret procedures, the use of torture during interrogation, and the complete lack of rights for the accused.” That should tell you all you need to know. But if you’re curious for more, read on.

The Interrogers use any means necessary to ferret out anyone who dabbles in the dark arts in Tigraen. From the realm guide: “After Tigraen’s second crusade: The rightful heir, princess Yavine, had died with Olwin.  Duke Urixius was acclaimed as King by his fellow nobles, which he accepted - with conditions.  Urixius would not take the title of King.  He demanded the title of Tyrant. He explained that Tigraen had been ruled by good Kings before, and they had failed to protect the realm.  If his fellow nobles demanded he take the crown, then he would - but he would not be a kind and just ruler.  He would be harsh, and ruthless, and do whatever it took to keep Tigraen from falling to evil a third time.  The nobles of Tigraen supported him unanimously.”

The Interroger sigil is an ouroboros with the addition of a sword cutting the serpent’s head from it’s body. Typically an ouroboros means infinity, or the continuation of something, or sometimes life, death, and rebirth, shown by a dragon or a serpent eating its own tail. The Interrogers’ alteration of this symbol, the sword cutting the snake’s head from it’s body, represents their belief they are stopping the perpetual cycle of evil rising in Tigraen.

Their ranks are designated as “coils”. A first coil is an entry level Interroger, similar to the military ranking of private, whereas a seventh coil is the top ranking Interroger and would be similar to the military ranking of a general. This is because the higher in rank you are, the larger the type of problems or evil you would be expected to deal with. Metaphorically the difference between killing a garden snake vs a dragon.

I’ve put together a quick illustration with some ideas on what this might look like.

That should give you a good idea on what you can expect from the Interrogers. Jaren and Songbird will encounter some Interrogers on their adventure, and Dustin is currently writing a book that features two Interrogers and we can see things from their perspective. So stay tuned for more books featuring these intrepid interrogators.

Till next time, dear readers. Remember not to dabble in the dark arts and watch out for the Interrogers. <3 Tiff


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