Conventions in 2024

Hello dear reader!

I recently went through and updated the Blacksteel Press website. I’m so pleased that after the last two years of hard work, we have products available. We look like an actual business!!! Woooo.

That said, now that we have a few tangible products under our belt, we’re planning on attending some conventions this year, and hopefully getting a booth at one or two if we can.

I will for sure be attending Dragonsteel Con 2024 in December. They have a really cool option for Indie authors to have a booth for one, two, or all three days. I’ve applied for a booth for just one day to dip my toe in the water, but no guarantees that I’ll be accepted a not. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Since I have a presence in the Denver area, although we missed GenghisCon in Feb, we may try to attend TactiCon in August. Who knows! We’ve also partnered with Broken Brain Games for our adventure modules and you’ll be able to find them at GaryCon and GameholeCon this year.

There really isn’t much else to report right now. Everyone has their head down hard at work making new and amazing content to get into your hot little hands ASAP.

Till next time dear reader! <3 Tiff


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