Galhadria Timeline

Hello Dear Readers!

I like to putz around and make things from time to time. Most recently that ended up being a brief timeline of Galhadrian history that is relevant to the stories Dustin, Phil, and I are writing as well as relevant dates that you will recognize if you have played our Table Top adventure The Temple of Grimbog.

Dustin has written out a much more extensive and comprehensive timeline of Galhadria, but I went through and mostly picked out events that readers might recognize since they were mentioned in some of our books. I’ve also placed out books on the timeline so you can see what’s happening in present day.

Historical events are in black. My books following Jaren and Songbird (A Songbird’s Tale and Of Silver Wolves and Songbirds) are in blue. Dustin’s books featuring Cas the Mercenary (Dueling Wizards and Mercenary Measures) are in red. Phil’s books featuring Fraenk Neversleep (Circle of the Mind Thief and a to be named second book) are in green. My next up and coming series is in yellow.

Behold! The timeline in all it’s glory. (Click the image to expand)

There are quite a few events that occur pre-sundering, or in the Primordial era, but mostly I highlighted some of the conflicts that involve both Tigraen and Sarmatti, since A Songbird’s Tale takes place in Tigraen and Neversleep Scrolls takes place in Sarmatti. I didn’t add much about Gozea-Gozon or Pileus at this point because while Dueling Wizards takes place in Gazea-Gozon, there isn’t a lot in terms of historical events that come up just yet. I’ll have to wait and see how much of Pileusian history comes out in book two.

Either way, I’ll probably go through and do a much more detailed timeline at some point, but for now I’m pretty happy with this.

What do you think, readers? Do you enjoy when authors put out this kind of content? Do you like seeing timelines and histories and that sort of thing? I’d love to know in the comments.

Till next time! <3 Tiff


Raising the Stakes


Steady On