Happy Birthday Songbird! (2 Years In.)
Songbird - by Iromonik
Hello dear reader! Do you know what today is? It is March 14th, and today marks a momentous occasion! Today makes officially two years since I started writing A Songbird’s Tale. TWO WHOLE YEARS. That feels like such a long time to be working on a project. In some ways it feels like every bit of those two years, and in other ways I can’t believe it’s flown by so quickly!
As a celebratory huzzah, I’d like to recap everything I’ve accomplished in the last two years:
I have commissioned 9 pieces of artwork for the book.
I have commissioned 2 songs for the book.
I have written/edited 5 drafts of my manuscript. Finishing my first and second draft were probably the most daunting and the most difficult so far.
I have commissioned 1 cover for my book.
I have blabbed about the fact I’m writing a book to everyone and anyone.
I’ve spoken to publishing coaches, writing coaches, and editors, trying to learn more about what it takes to self publish and help get myself ready for that part of the process.
I have spent countless hours over the last 730 days, writing, drafting, taking notes, plotting, making note cards, thinking about, researching, and crafting my book. It has been no easy labor of love.
I really cannot express how many hours I’ve poured into this book. I’ve laughed out loud writing it, I’ve cried over it, I’ve cried with my characters, I’ve raged at the editing process. It has been a crazy and emotional journey for me. This may sound a little dramatic, but writing is a deeply personal process for me, I’ve poured my heart and soul into trying to craft the very best story I can. When was the last time you spent two years working towards one, singular goal? It’s worth considering.
What’s next?
Well, I am going to run my 5th draft by Dustin and Phil, have them do one more once over, make any changes and edits necessary (a 6th draft) and then I’m moving forward in the publishing process. I could edit forever and ever, but at some point I have to release this thing into the wild. That time is coming very soon. I can feel it. I need to be done with this project and moving into the next thing. I’m really going to push hard for a summer release, but we’ll see how long the rest of the process takes.
Some remaining steps after the completion of the manuscript include getting a copy editor to help me fix any grammar and spelling mistakes, purchasing an ISBN number, pre-press layout, setting up an Amazon account, creating a business and opening a bank account to name a few things.
I’m giddy with excitement and also nervous. This wonderful, beautiful thing that I’ve crafted over the last two years (and really long before that, because the idea has been floating around in my head for almost a decade) is nearly ready to be shared with the world. I’m going to put it out there to be enjoyed, judged, scorned, loved, hated, and/or adored by readers. That’s exhilarating and terrifying, but there’s no turning back. I have to do this. Six-year-old Tiffani is going to be ecstatic.
Till next time reader, best of luck on your long term projects. Keep pushing through and working hard. The end will soon be in sight! <3 Tiff