A Story Without a book - a tale of Tiffani.

A true story about Tiffani:

“Mom, tell me a story without a book.” small Tiff said.

Mom, who was driving, looked into the rear view mirror. Small Tiff was sitting in the back seat looking out the window. “Ok, honey. Once upon a time there was a princess. Her name was Gabriella.”

“No, mom.” small Tiff corrected. “Her name was Guinevere. Princess Guinevere.”

Mom sighed. “Once upon a time there was a princess and her name was Guinevere. And she lived in a castle—”

“Mom, no. That’s not right. She lived in a desert land where the trees were all twisted and weird.” small Tiff explained.

The traffic light changed to red and the car slowed to a stop. Mom looked in rear view mirror again as she waited for the light to change. “Ok, Tiffani, why don’t you tell the story?”

Small Tiff looked at mom, “Ok! So Princess Guinevere was the princess of the desert land with the strange trees. And one day she met a magical talking lizard who told her about a far away land where there was a great treasure to be discovered.”

The above scenario was not a rare occurrence. I have always love stories, since I was very small. According to my parents I had an insatiable appetite for them. I loved being read to, and when I was old enough to read, it was all I would do. There are some instances however, where you can’t read. Like when you’re taking a walk to the park. Or riding in the car. To put this into context, this was back in the day before iPods and Spotify and Audible. My Audio books were on cassette tapes and usually went along with an actual picture book. They had a special chime to let you know it was time to turn the page, and I generally did not get to listen to these in the car.

What to do? “Well that’s easy.” You might say. “Just read in the car, you weren’t driving.”

Some people are blessed with the magical ability to read in a moving vehicle. Sadly, I am not one of them and have always been plagued with motion sickness. Even looking at a book leads to horrendous nausea. My childhood self came up with the brilliant solution of asking for “a story without a book”. Come on, mom, make up a story on the spot and entertain me. My mother was generally gracious enough to indulge me. Unfortunately, my childhood self apparently had very particular tastes when it comes to stories, and I was notorious for already having a story in mind, and correcting my loving narrator as she tried to make up a story without a book for me.

I never grew out of wanting to tell stories. As a young child I attended Young Author’s conferences and through high school I wrote Fan Fiction as well as some original stories, passing them to my friends to read, eagerly awaiting their feedback. Now, here I am, as an adult, getting to return to one of my very first loves. Telling stories. I’m thrilled the be working with Dustin and Phil, writing for the world of Galhadria. I have many other stories I would like to write, both in Galhadria and in worlds of my own creation, and I’m looking forward to bringing them to life.

The guys have provided a small introduction to themselves, and I encourage you to go meet them as well. :)
Meet Dustin.
Meet Phil.

Until next time dear readers!

Feel free to hit me up on Instagram, I’m @nimble_mtn_bunny. I look forward to connecting with you all. <3 Tiff


A Few Questions More


A Somewhat Belated Introduction