Introducing: Cthulhu Coffee


Hello dear reader!

I bet you’re wondering to yourself, what do the Blacksteel Press gang get up to when they’re not writing books. Well, I’m glad you asked. The answer is… usually our day jobs. BUT, also we do more writing, drawing, and creative work! We’re always busy coming up with all kinds of project and story ideas. Sadly I just don’t have enough hours in the day to make them real. … YET.

As we move into spooky season, I thought this might be fun to share.

This is a project that has been on the back burner for quite some time, but I wanted to toss it out there. Just putting it out into the universe to get some good vibes and hopefully push me to spend a bit more time working on it.

Our very own Dustin and I came up with Cthulhu Coffee.

BEHOLD: Great Old Ones Coffee Co.

I’m an absolute sucker for vintage product labels and Art Nouveau style. Maybe this will turn into a Kickstarter some day.

As it stands now, we have several flavors mapped out for this as well as some pencils from a friend of mine for said flavors that I will, someday, hopefully, get around to inking and coloring. :) I have grand ideas which might include enamel pins, stickers, a zine with a short story for each flavor, and maybe if I get real fancy, even some coffee bags with the art work on them. What do you think? Would you get something from the Great Old Ones Coffee Co.?

Till next time dear reader. Tell all your Lovecraftian fans to keep an eye out for this, and I’ll get to work on finishing the art. <3 Tiff


Dueling Wizards is now released!


When less is more