Stoneswine and Pebblepig
Tiff is working on a story, and sometimes stories need creatures. I’ve come to realize over the time writing with her and Phil that I really like inventing new fantasy animals.
We log every new critter we create so that they can appear in other people’s tales. The latest two are the Stoneswine and Pebblepig. Think of a wild board with a Pangolin shell and you’ve got something like a Stoneswine; hard scales, big tusks, bad temper. They can curl into an armored ball or fight like, well, an armored boar. The Pebblepig is their smaller, more peaceable cousin, a more lightly armored burrower without the cutlery.
These little guys are just details in the gigantic worldbuilding of Galhadria - but I love ‘em and I want to do more of them. And that’s not even getting into making art for them!