Write Faster!

We’ve all been there. We finish the latest release in a series: we’re left with a cliffhanger, we want more of our favorite characters, we need to know what happens next. Aaaaand the next book isn’t scheduled to be release for another year, or worse ‘publication date to be determined’. So we wait. And we grumble “hurry up and write faster [insert author]!”

Being the writer, as opposed to the reader, has give me a lot of perspective on this. Trust me, I wish I could write faster too! I’m sure other authors out there feel the same.

I started writing my first draft of “A Songbird’s Tale” on March 14th of 2021. “I’m just writing a short story” I told myself, “this will be quick and easy.” I set myself the goal of being done with my first draft by Memorial Day. I did not make it. I set a new goal of 4th of July weekend. I didn’t make that goal either. FINALLY on August 1st I finished my first draft.

As I’ve blogged about previously I made a point to write every day. Some times I only managed to get a few dozen words. Some days I was able to bust out around 1000 words. The most I’ve ever written in one day was around 4000 words and that was when I was making the final push at the very end of my first draft. I was completely and utterly exhausted afterwards. Whether you write 50 words, or 5000 words, writing is work. Period. Full stop. Writing makes your brain tired. I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, sometimes it’s also really emotional. I’ll cry when I’m writing something particularly emotional or distressing for my characters. Writing is significantly more draining that I imagined it would be, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.

Now that I’m working my way through my second draft, I find it hasn’t changed a whole lot. I’m still writing every day, I try to get at least 500 words in. I feel great when I get around 800 to 1000 down, but I don’t always make it. “Write faster! I want to find out what happens next! Oh… wait… I’m the author. I have to be the one who writes faster. Dang it.” Except it’s almost worse this time around because I have a general idea of what is actually going to happen and I want to hurry up and get there and get all the details written out and experience the new and improved version by implementing all my feedback from the first draft. Funny how that works.

If you’re feeling mentally exhausted, brain dead, tired, and so on from mentally strenuous activities, here are a few things that help me! Give them a try. Or don’t. You’re your own boss and you can do as you please. :p

  • First and foremost: Take a break! Pushing through doesn’t always work in your favor, and usually leaves me more frustrated. Even if I just step away for a couple of minutes I find it really helps.

  • Get up and move around! Take a walk, doing some jumping jacks, go do the dishes, just move your body! Your brain will thank you.

  • If your stressed, take a shower. This probably sounds a little weird, but for me, it’s relaxing. Shower thoughts optional. Hot baths with bath bombs are another solid choice.

  • If you’re stuck, talk it out. Find a victi— I mean, find a friend, and chat with them about what you’re stuck on.

There you have it. Just remember next time you’re feeling grouchy because your favorite author hasn’t released their next title yet, they’re probably wishing just as much as you that they could write faster.


Grey Powers


The Blacksteel Rangers