The Ophidian Gulf and other places

The kingdoms of the Ophidian Gulf are independent states and sometimes allies of their larger neighbors. Chief among them is Ophidaara, sinister and secretive realm of the snake-folk. Once a great and powerful empire in their own right, centuries of steady decline have left them resentful and seething … though they are too wise to show their dislike to those around them, and plot in secret the overthrow of those who have wronged them.

Other nations around the region include the amazons of Sabatia, the beastmasters of Akkad, and the mysterious wild elves of Karce Ledain. It’s an engaging region surrounded by threats - at any moment Gazea-Gozon could decide to add another state to its territory, or a neighboring kingdom might attempt and invasion. An uneasy peace and trade exists, but for how long?

Far to the north of the Gulf lies the Shivan pridelands, home to great wandering tribes of nomadic shivan, and beyond them mysterious places like Malabrax or far Ernhold - strange lands rarely visited by travellers.


Gazean Coins Sketch


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