Happy Birthday Blacksteel Press!

Hello dear readers!

It just occurred to me that this month marks one year since we officially started Blacksteel Press, which is super exciting!

Dustin has been world building Galhadria for almost two decades, but we’ve only started writing within the world within the last two years and it was only within the last year that we decided to make a company to publish through. We are slooooowly building our empire.

For anyone who is new here, I’d like to make a quick round of introductions.

Dustin is our chief world builder and he’s currently wrapping up the finishing touches on his first novel in a series which involves Cas the Mercenary. Dustin dabbles in lots of things from modeling to 3D printing to tabletop gaming. Check out his creations on Thingiverse here. Dustin is one of my writing mentors.

Next up is Phil. Phil has written several books, including his most recent publications which are guides to Snapchat! (Guide to Snapchat and Guide to Lens Studio). He is working on a series call The Neversleep scrolls, which is a medieval fantasy and hardboiled detective mash up. I’m very excited to read it. Phil is my other writing mentor.

I’m Tiffani, our 'Chief Visionary Office’. (Aka the one who dreams all the big dreams and then tries to make them happen.) I’m working on cleaning up my manuscript for A Songbird’s Tale.

Our ultimate goal is to build a vast and detailed world setting for table top gaming, as well as write several novels that take place in Galhadria following different heroes and heroines along their journeys. If everything goes according to plan we should have two books on the market by the end of 2023. As they saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day and writing takes a long time. Especially since all of us have day jobs. But we’re going to keep working at it and make Blacksteel Press something great! I look forward to sharing our work with you soon!

Till next time dear readers, enjoy the day and go support your favorite small local business. <3 Tiff


The Ophidian Gulf and other places


The Free Kingdoms