The Vigabrock

The Vigabrock is a chaotic region in the far northwest of Galhadria.  The folk of Vigabrock are a fractured and combative multitude of ferociously independent tribes.  The common people are a mix of clans, tribes, and small people groups.  Most are humans, with lesser numbers of ansvar, firbolg, dragonborn, and dwarves, but nearly every major tribe is ruled by a clan or group of more powerful creatures.  The most common of these are frost giant clans, but there are tribal groups ruled by greater or lesser giants, bands of minotaurs, trolls, and even dragons.  Much of the time these tribes do battle with their most hated rivals - each other - but from time to time a great leader emerges and unites enough warring factions to launch great and terrible invasions of neighboring lands.  The folk of Viabrock believe that strength makes right, and are more than willing to use their power to seize whatever they can from those weaker than them.

The cold northern realm is a might-makes-right hodgepodge of warring tribal groups, ruled over by the strongest and meanest things that can wrest control over whatever they can dominate. It’s a harsh and unforgiving place, where the strong rule and the weak die. But, for all its brutality, the folk of the Viga hegemony are free - if they are strong enough to stay free.


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