Editing Hell

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” - Winston Churchill

I’m currently stuck in editing hell.

I’ve never felt more like giving up on my book than I do now. After more than two years of blood, sweat, and tears and I’m ready to throw the whole thing away. The terrible nagging voice in my head tells me that it was wasted effort, no one will like it, and I should just give up. And then I think about this quote from Churchill. And then I keep going.

If you, dear reader, are also stuck in editing hell, or any type of hell, keep going.

Don’t give up. Even if you don’t believe in yourself.

I believe in you. I’ll believe enough for both of us

If you can’t believe in yourself, then “believe in the me that believes in you.”

(Bonus points if you know where that’s from).

Point is: Don’t give up on your dream. Don’t do it. Don’t you dare. You can do the thing. You hear me? You can do it. Yes you. Even you.

I’m discouraged, I’m scared to publish, I’m depressed out of my mind, and yet I’m dragging myself towards the finish line, because I’m too darn stubborn to quit. I can do this.

Till next time dear reader, keep going.


The Damned Houligans


Well, you’ve messed up. Now what?