The Damned Houligans

A Battletech Company

Years ago when I was an active Mechwarrior Online player (Part of the 10th Skye Rangers) I wanted to write up a Battlemech Company brief like they used to do in the old days when first introducing us to the universe. There was fun with photoshop trying to imitate the style of the original handful of sourcebooks from the ancient FASA days, along with some creative writing. It’s tough trying to cram the sense of a person into such a small space. Anyway, enjoy the 10th Skye Rangers - aka the Damned Houligans!
My favorite thing was the relationship between Captain Ritter - the Lyran ‘Social General’ commander, and Sergeant MacPherson - the Free Skye Rebel. I’ve always imagined MacPhereson greeting new recruits to the Company with “You’ve got to ask yourself, laddie; is now not the time for a Free Skye?”




Editing Hell