Fantasy Foodstuffs

Hello dear reader!

As we continue world building, we’re always looking for more ways to add depth and character to Galhadria. One thing we discussed over the holidays was different food traditions.

While watching the Great British Baking Show, they had one episode that featured a vasilopita. My understanding is this is a Greek holiday cake, in which a coin or a small trinket is traditionally hidden and whoever finds it gets good fortune for the New Year. It got me thinking about all the traditions we have around food. Lots of cultures have all kinds of special holiday treats or even just traditional meals eaten during said holidays. In America a lot of people eat turkey (or sometimes ham) for Thanksgiving or Christmas for example. It got us talking at Blacksteel Press what does the food look like regionally across Nova Eian, and what are special holiday treats or snacks that are enjoyed seasonally?

To that end of we’ve started compiling a section in the world guide dedicated specifically to food from the different countries that make up the continent of Nova Eian. This includes what people from different social standings eat, as well as something unique to the region and something special for the holiday.

If you’re looking to dive down the rabbit hole of historical cooking, here are just a few sources I recommend:

  • Great British Baking Show - this is kind of like the gateway drug of cooking shows. But honestly, it’s so wholesome and just fun. I love the heck outta this show. It’s only historical occasionally, but it’s neat to see what people outside of America eat and how desserts differ in other places.

  • Townsends on YouTube - this gentleman explores 18th century cooking. I’m fascinated with his videos, he often goes into not just how to prepare these old dishes, but even how they made some of the ovens or other methods of cooking, food available, and more. Really worth watching.

  • Cowboy Kent Rollins on YouTube - for a completely different time period, you can check out this cowboy cook and learn all about outdoor cooking on the trail.

I’m sure there are lots of other awesome historical cooking shows, but these are only a few to get started and scratch the surface.

Would you guys be interested in seeing any recipes we came up with, if we were to make any? Let me know!

Till next time dear readers, try cooking something from outside your comfort zone. Let me know how it goes, or tell me about any traditional foods from your heritage you love! (Or hate!) <3 Tiff


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