The importance of a good review.

Hello dear readers!

Today, I want to talk about why it’s important to leave a good review.

But first, story time: Once, I had a dream that Dustin, Phil and I were creating a brand new board game. For some reason, lobsters featured heavily in this game. Dustin was the primary designer of the game. I was excited to get to play test this game. I vaguely remember setting up the board and dealing the cards and discussing the lobster mechanics, which possibly also involved butter. I don’t remember. When I told Phil and Dustin about my dream in the waking world, Dustin decided to name it Hot Lobster. This turned into an inside joke between all of us, and now when we rate things, we rate them in lobsters and shrimps instead of stars. For example, I give that dream a four and a half lobster rating. (Or four lobsters and one shrimp 🦞🦞🦞🦞🦐 the equivalent of four and a half stars.)

Now that you have some context, back to the topic at hand. Why it matters if you write a review.

When you are starting any new endeavor, be it a Business, a YouTube Channel, a Pod Cast, a Kickstarter, or publishing a book, the hardest thing is to get your product in front of eyes. LOTS of eyes. Doing the work is one thing. Spreading the word about your work can be one of the most difficult things to do for a budding entrepreneur.

If there is a book, or business, or pod cast, or artist, or anyone that you really like, then go scream it from the mountain tops! Spreading the word about their product can help your author, artist, singer, or content creator do well and continue to make more awesome content that you like. It lets other people know this this content is worthwhile. Or not.

The other piece of that puzzle is that it helps us, as creatives, know what our audiences like and don’t like. In some ways it helps you, the consumer, guide the product developers into creating more of what you like and what you want.

So not only does leaving a good review and spreading the world directly help your favorite creatives be able to continue making awesome content for you, it helps you the consumer get more of the content you want. Since Blacksteel Press is mostly focused on getting our books published at the moment, here are some great places to leave reviews for books you enjoyed!

  • Good Reads

  • Barnes & Noble

  • Amazon

  • Library Thing

  • Your favorite social media platform!

That’s it for this week. Until next time dear reader, go leave your favorite author a review and tell the world why you loved their book. <3 Tiff


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