The Tyranny of Tigraen

The folk of Tigraen struggle with the terrible legacy of their past. Three great crusades to throw down the dark lords which rose up and conquered them and a dozen minor incidents have forced the folk here to adopt a harsh, punitive government which will take any means necessary to halt the rising of more Gorothkan forces. For the most part, the common folk accept this as necessary, though it has encouraged a closed off, compartmentalized culture of suspicion. Tigraen desires only peace, but their folk must be ever vigilant against the rising dark, and use any means necessary to secure their realm.

Tigraen is a dystopian fantasy realm under constant threat by sinister forces. As a response to this they have become harsh and punitive, willing to do whatever it takes to prevent another rising by the forces of evil. But what cost have such measures taken upon their civilization?


Mead Horn Sketch


The Pileusian Empire