The Pileusian Empire

The Pileusian Empire once ruled half the continent - from the fractious and difficult eastern provinces of Gazea and Gozon, to the rich western provinces of the Zinnaelian Gulf, and even distant and poor Aruthien bowed to the Cloud Emperor. But the glory days of the Empire are long past. First the north was lost, then the east, now the west. All that remains of the most powerful realm on the continent is the heart of the old empire and a smattering of rebellious provinces. Corruption and decadence plague the empire even as points of brilliance remain. The Pileusian Empire struggles to preserve what it has, and dreams of restoring its lost glory.

The domain of the Cloud Emperors is our declining great power - once wealthy, powerful, and influential beyond belief, now unable to handle simple challenges or keep up basic public maintenance. Pileus was once great and glorious, but those days are long gone. The citizens of the Empire are now more interested in being comfortable in their decline than bestirring themselves in a futile attempt to change things. That said, there is still great wealth, beauty, and learning there; it was once an amazing place. Perhaps someday it will be again.


The Tyranny of Tigraen


Pallane Tombs Sketch